We offer a range of services to various clients including private property owners and prospective buyers, planning consultants, architects, developers, universities, local authorities and more...
Heritage Statements for Planning
and Listed Building Consent applications
The NPPF requires that proposals affecting heritage assets should be considered and based on an understanding of their significance.
When an application (for an alteration, extension, new build, etc.) has the potential to affect the heritage significance of one or more heritage assets (such as a statutorily listed building, Conservation Area, Registered Park and Garden or locally listed building), the application needs to be accompanied by a Heritage Statement. Our Heritage Statements commonly comprise chapters focusing on the local historic context of the site; the history and development of the site; a description of the site as existing; a heritage significance appraisal; an impact assessment; and justification statement having regard for national, regional and local planning policies and guidance.
Desk-based Archaeological Assessments
Applications for new developments often require a report assessing the site's potential for buried archaeology. We can provide desk-based assessments according to CIfA standards in order to provide the evidence necessary for informed and reasonable planning decisions, and which allow for the development of an appropriate strategy to mitigate the effects of development on the archaeology, if this is warranted.
Design Advice
We are often approached by clients who wish to apply for an alteration, extension or new build, and require guidance on what might be deemed acceptable in heritage and design terms by the local planning authority. We have plenty of experience, both in architectural design and in working with planning authorities and statutory bodies such as Historic England, as well as the national amenity societies - we are therefore well placed to provide such advice.
House History Reports
Some clients are just interested in discovering more about the history of their house and its previous occupants. We carry out such research as a matter of course when producing other reports, and so we are very experienced in the research and evaluation necessary for this task.
Community Involvement
We have supported local communities on a number of occasions in protecting local important heritage assets (such as pubs and open spaces) against development proposals. We have also been involved with undertaking heritage assessments and characterisation studies for a number of Neighbourhood Plans.
Townscape and Landscape
Visual Impact Assessments
It is sometimes necessary for a planning or Listed Building Consent application to be accompanied by a Visual Impact Assessment, in order to assess the effect which the proposals are likely to make on the surrounding townscape and/or landscape. Such reports are especially necessary for tall buildings, and/or buildings within close proximity to a Conservation Area or Registered Landscape. Existing and proposed views are evaluated in accordance with established guidelines published by the Landscape Institute and Historic England.
Advice on Heritage Designations
We carry out heritage significance assessments for clients who either wish to find a way of increasing the protection of a site (perhaps by having it listed, or extending the boundary of an adjacent Conservation Area) - or conversely, they may wish to apply for de-listing. We pride ourselves on our integrity as a third party advisor in such matters, as our twin concerns are the heritage and design of the built environment, as well as the needs of the client.
Appeals and Expert Witness Services
We work closely with lawyers and planning consultants, providing Expert Witness Services for written representations, hearings and public inquiries.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
We provide cultural heritage chapters for Environmental Statements for a variety of complex and major developments and regeneration projects.
Advice regarding unauthorised works to Listed Buildings
Liability for unauthorised works which have been carried out on a Listed Building runs with the land; and therefore purchasers of Listed Buildings often inadvertently inherit the burden, thereby facing any consequences which arise once those unauthorised works have been realised by the local planning authority. We provide pre- and post-purchase advice in such instances and negotiate with the local authority to regularise any unauthorised works.
Building Recording
(Historic England Levels 1 to 4)
When local authorities grant consent for cases involving alterations, conversions or demolition, they will occasionally require a recording exercise to be undertaken and submitted to the local Historic Environment Record. We are experienced in carrying out such work.